WINE ON THE ROCKS TV was originally launched in September 2009 as a video portal with the intention of stirring up some s**t in the wine sector and prove that wine can be presented in a new and entertaining manner – and that’s exactly what it did! An eye for detail and editing style usually reserved for music videos rather than wine videos, a good portion of irony.
WINE ON THE ROCKS TV went on the garner much critical acclaim from the wine industry and wine consumers alike. In 2010 the platform was awarded the German “Kultur & Kreativpiloten” Prize, awarded to 32 winners (out of 1.200 applicants) by the Ministries of Culture and Economy for outstanding creative innovation.
In 2012, WOTR TV was named the most innovative online platform dedicated to wine by journalist, Stephan Reinhardt (currently part of the Wine Advocate team – the article was published in the November issue of the German “Wie Einfach…” magazine).
2012 also saw the launch of the WOTR Finkus Collection wines (Douro & Kamptal) at which time the German WINE ON THE ROCKS online wine shop was launched. The shop’s product portfolio showcased international artisanal wines offering great value… or “bang for the buck” as we like to call it.
CHALK creative tasks:
- Concept & biz plan
- Brand design
- Web design
- Online shop (Magento)
- Event org & planning: seminars, tastings, trade-shows
- Photography
- Content creation
- Video production
- Online Marketing & SEO
- Social Media Marketing